10 Actionable Tips on How to Avoid AI Detection In 2024

Companies known to use, sell, or share user data to train AI models Companies known to use, sell.

November 6, 2023
10 Actionable Tips on How to Avoid AI Detection In 2024

The demand for content creation is continuously rising. Companies need to generate a whopping 54% more content to fulfill the same. It’s no surprise that only half of them are able to meet this rising demand. 

But with generative AI, it no longer seems impossible. AI has completely changed the content creation space by doing two major things. It automates tasks and boosts the amount of content produced (in very less time). Also, it is open to personalization and lets you create what different audiences would like.

Okay, here comes the concern–AI content detection. You need to consider AI detection as AI is becoming a part of the content generation process. And since AI generates content faster, it is often considered to be compromising quality and authenticity. Thus, avoiding AI detection is crucial in some situations. 

What is AI detection? 

AI detection in content means figuring out if an AI content generator or a human wrote it. AI detector softwares do this by looking at the writing styles, sentence structure and redundancy of messages conveyed in the content, etc. 

As I said before, people believe that human-written content is better than AI-generated content because the latter is generated in a fraction of the time. Since it is faster, it is often considered incorrect or plagiarized. It’s a common belief that AI-generated content cannot rank in the search results, or the websites using such content would be penalized. 

It’s important to note here that Google cares more about the content value, and less about how it’s written. If your content creates value for the reader, you’re safe. 

Still, because of the perception, AI detection is important. It is also important when content is generated by someone else on your behalf (you don’t want them to write something that is generic/doesn’t add value).

What are AI detection tools? 

AI detection tools are like online fact-checkers, keeping an eye on the content that might be written by AI, like ChatGPT. These tools are the moderators that help stop AI-generated spam. These detectors learn to distinguish between human and AI-generated text based on their learning from big datasets with human and AI-generated writing.  

Here are some of the reliable AI detection tools that you can use (literally anti AI detectors):

  1. Copyleaks: Copyleaks checks sentences one by one and covers models like Bard and GPT-4. It is super reliable with a 99.1% accuracy and only 0.2% false positives in AI-generated content (self reported). It tells you what parts are human-written and what might be from AI.
  2. ZeroGPT: It is a user-friendly AI detector platform that supports multiple languages. It comes with an API for seamless integration into apps and real-time content detection. The best part is that the tool provides you with percentage indications for human or AI/GPT-generated text, with AI-generated portions highlighted in yellow.
  3. Crossplag: Crossplag is a  well-known plagiarism detection tool that has introduced an AI content detector powered by machine learning. It accurately distinguishes between AI and human-generated text by recognizing distinct patterns. You can easily utilize the tool by pasting your text and letting Crossplag work its magic with a simple click. 

Can AI detectors identify AI-generated content? 

Okay, so here comes the most important question–how reliable are AI content detector tools? To answer in one word: Fairly. Remember, these detectors are still new. Many times they might not be spot-on, giving us incorrect results. 

For example, if a human writer has a sentence structure that the tool finds robotic, it will give a false positive. Thus, people are still working to make these detectors better and smarter every day. So, how to avoid the AI detectors? For now, you need to ensure the below isn’t a part of your content to avoid false detections:

  1. AI-like writing:

Like I shared in the example above, be careful not to accidentally write like AI. It means, you need to avoid using too many clichés or common phrases.

  1. Don’t say the same things:

Try not to repeat phrases or ideas too much. Excessive repetition can cause false alarms and flag the text as AI generated.

  1. Semantic redundancy:

Not just the text, but it’s also about the concept or the idea as well. Be mindful not to repeat the idea over and over. 

  1. Keep grammar simple:

You can have your unique style of writing, but be aware that unusual grammar or sentence structures might trigger the AI detectors. Keep it clear and straightforward.

10 ways to bypass AI detection

Different AI detectors rely on different parameters to detect AI content. Thus, instead of using one particular technique to avoid AI detection, you should use several. 

Thus, for answering the prominent question, “How to avoid AI content detectors,” I’m sharing 10 tips and you can use a combination of them to bypass AI detection.

1. Rephrase sentence structure and format

When you change the order of words and phrases, it will most likely confuse detection algorithms that rely on grammatical patterns and word combinations. 

Thus, one of the fastest ways to avoid AI detection is to rephrase and rearrange your sentences. You can use paraphrasing tools as well to do this task for you (save more time).

Breaking down long sentences into short ones will also help.

2. Use synonyms and similar words

Changing the words also helps. Use synonyms where you can and this generally helps avoiding AI detection. However, the newly substituted words must convey the meaning, or add an extra layer of meaning to the existing text. You don’t want to leave your readers confused in an attempt to confuse the detector.

AI tools often lean towards basic and easily understood vocabulary. And using less common words can also make your writing stand out. For example, instead of common ones like “happy” or “sad,” explore words like “ecstatic” or “melancholy.” This also gives your writing a distinctive touch.

3. Avoid repetitive keywords and phrases

AI tools have a tendency to use the same phrases and words (so irritating, isn’t it?). Tools like ChatGPT are quite infamous for their bias for some specific words. And AI detection algorithms easily spot those repeated or predictable language patterns.

Removing such repetitive words from your content is easy as well as important because it affects how detector tools see your writing. Keeping an eye on these patterns helps make sure your AI writing is more genuine and better quality. Writing in a natural tone by ensuring the below points will 100% be helpful:

  • Write in first person. It’s like sharing your personal experience.
  • Use a blend of short and long sentences (judiciously). Do not stick to one style.
  • Write like you speak. This will include asking questions, using contractions, etc.
  • Use simple language. Jargon is never recommended.

4. Share personal anecdotes and perspectives

Your real-life stories and experiences make you human and confirm it’s human-written content. AI often struggles with such personal touch. 

So when you use AI to write content for you, ensure it’s a mix of both human and AI writing. Mixing in helpful advice and expertise, and making sure your writing is valuable to your readers, helps keep them interested. This way, your content won’t sound too robotic and it will be harder for computers to figure out. 

5. Use descriptive prompts 

This is very important. AI content generators promise quick writing, but it often sounds robotic. Do you know the reason? It has a lot to do with the prompts you give them. Instead of generic keywords, use interesting prompts. Let me give you an example:

Generic prompt:

“Write an article about cooking.”

Descriptive prompt:

“Describe how a mouthwatering homemade lasagna is prepared. Take the reader through the aroma of garlic, the texture of freshly grated vegetables, and the warmth that builds up in the kitchen as the lasagna bakes to perfection. Invite readers into the experience.”

Such prompts add feelings and help AI connect with readers, and not just search engines. 

6. Use paraphrasing tools

We’ve talked about the importance of sentence restructuring. After all the edits done from your end, if the content is still tagged as AI-generated, paraphrasing tools will help you.

Paraphrasing tools will help you match the content style to that of a human. They are quite quick and your go-to solution to pass the AI check. Here are two of the many paraphrasing tools that you can consider:

  • Quillbot: It does a great job in understanding the context of the text and match it to a human.
  • Wordtune: It comes with multiple writing options so you can choose what suits you the best.

7. Use competent AI writing tools

Content generated by some of the tools is very easy to detect. Trust me, you don’t even need an AI detector for it. To avoid this, use AI writing tools that generate human-like content.

When you’re using a premium tool like Proco, you just need to select the use case, enter some context, and that’s it–you’ll get human-like content within seconds. It generates content with imagination that goes beyond human, thus the comprehensiveness (something AI easily confuses with human written content).

8. Use human moderators

Human editors excel at editing content to ensure it is contextually correct (no AI spamming), easy to understand for the readers (no repetition of phrases) and personalize it (more of a human touch). Thus, have a human moderator at the final stage of your content generation process and your content will certainly pass the AI detector test.

Also, after a certain point, human moderators can also identify the reason content sounds AI-generated (making the job even easier).

9. Use a converter 

There are content-generating AI tools, there are AI-detecting AI tools, and then there are AI to Human content converter tools (brilliant, right?).

All you have to do is paste your content. In a few seconds, you’ll receive the edited content with a single click. The content will most likely pass any AI detector.

So why is it at number 9 on the list? Let me tell you how these tools work. These tools will implement some of the points we discussed in our list, like using synonyms, changing sentence structure, breaking down sentences, using active voice, etc. But what’s important is, you’re using AI once again–it is quite possible that the context that you built in the beginning will get lost by using this tool.

Use them if you have to, but you must again work on the content to ensure the context is present, the synonyms are correct, the flow is maintained, etc.

10. Complicate your writing

How to make AI text undetectable? Mess with your content!

When AI detectors were initially introduced, content producers didn’t have much idea how they work. What they used to do is, replace certain parts/letters in their content with symbols. For example, “i” would become “!” or “o” would become “0”.

Of course, this is not something I recommend you do. Today, we know enough reasons how a content is classified as AI generated and how we can avoid the same. I’ve shared this for the rare scenario wherein even after attempting everything you can’t pass the AI detector test.

But again, it isn’t a good idea to resort to this considering the reader’s experience.

Can Google detect AI content? 

Most probably, yes. I mean it has access to so much data and it has developed its own AI tools. It sounds strange that it can’t detect AI content. 

But, the real question is, does it really matter? When people hear AI-generated content, the first thing that comes to their mind is, “Google doesn’t like it, the content will not perform.” Right? As I told you in the very beginning of the article, Google is hardly bothered if the content is written by a human or AI as long as the content offers value to the readers.

Should you hide AI content? 

Is it something to be embarrassed of? Does it convey that you lack ideas or skills?


On the contrary, it showcases you’re adaptive and you understand the trend (and can foresee the future, if I may say so). Because let’s admit it, AI is the future, even if it’s content generation. At this point, it’s all about how best you can leverage the fusion of human and AI writers.

Don’t believe me? Many industry giants are already using AI for content generation.


Google uses AI for writing ads and automating ad creation.


BuzzFeed uses AI for creating quizzes as well as writing long articles.


BankRate uses AI in their chatbots and for detecting frauds.

When should you avoid using AI content?

There are some specific niches or scenarios where depending primarily on AI for content can be risky and should be avoided. Domains critical to Your Money or Your Life (like finance and health) have ethical considerations, involve complexities and risks. 

Such content should be written according to the EEAT rule–experience, expertise, authority and trustworthiness. It is not possible for AI to substitute a human in such a context. It won’t have the much-needed experience, personalized approach, and understanding of nuanced perspectives. Any unintentional bias from AI can result in consequences that you’ll want to avoid.

Key takeaways 

  • Deliver high-quality content by integrating both AI and human-written content and outsmart the AI detectors.
  • Ensure the content is written in a natural and authentic manner. Make sure there is no keyword spamming.
  • Write better prompts to generate more personalized content. 
  • Infuse a human touch through paraphrasing to eliminate the robotic feel.


AI detectors are getting smarter, but so are AI content generators too. Remember, search engines care more about good content than how it’s written. 

All you have to do is work together with both humans and AI. Humans can incorporate their ideas and feelings to make the content more meaningful for readers. 

Instead of worrying about AI detection, you only need to focus on creating content that is helpful and has a personal touch. If people find your content valuable, you’ll do well with both AI and your audience.


Chirag Gojaria

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